Use Gawk to process CSV files

Translations: FR, FR

Awk and Gawk are very powerful tools to process text files. Yet, CSV files are especially difficult to process. Fields are separated by comma or semicolon, depending on the country. These separators can also be used in a field inside double quotes. Which makes it very difficult for Awk to split a line into fields. Moreover, a field with double quotes can contain line breaks, which makes it difficult for Awk to process it.

Detecting failures caused by process limits on CentOS 6

Translations: FR, FR

On Linux, resources limits are there to ensure that a single user will not saturate the server resources. These limits can cause silent failures. The best way to detect these failures is to use the auditd daemon, which can catch the result of individual system calls.

Linux and the strange case of the TCP black holes

Translations: FR, FR

On Internet, some sites might be mysteriously unreachable while the server hosting the site is alive and well. What is the cause of these mysterious black holes.